League Rules and Regulations

Updated February 15, 2020 by Raymond Almeida Jr.


A: The President shall be permitted to manage a League Team during the term in office, or may assist a team. She/he may also manage a Travel or All-star Team upon an approval vote of the Executive Council.

B: Divisional Directors shall not be permitted to manage a League team in the division in which they direct unless otherwise authorized to do so by the Executive Council.

C: The general membership of the League shall annually determine the status and/or amount of the player operational fee.

D: The President and Treasurer shall be empowered to submit a proposed operating budget to the general membership of the League by January 15th of every year.

E: The General membership of the League shall annually determine the league's affiliation with local and/or national organizations.

F: Team Managers and coaches shall be at least sixteen years of age by August 1st of the current calendar year prior to approval by the executive council.

G: The President and Division Directors shall be responsible for determining the schedules of games in all divisions of the League.

H: The President shall be empowered to recommend the appointments of all Team Managers & Coaches to the executive council for approval.


A: The general membership of the League shall annually determine the minimum and maximum playing ages of eligible League Players.

B: League players refusing selection by any League team shall not be permitted to compete in the League during that playing season.

C: League players not selected in a divisional player selection process may be reassigned by the executive council to a lower division of the league.

D: League players resigning from the League for any reason during a playing season shall not be permitted to return to the League during that same playing season. Said players may return to the League during the following playing season or in any succeeding playing season, but shall be subject to the established player registration and tryout regulations of the League.

E: League players ejected from a game by an umpire for any reason on two separate occasions during the same playing season shall be immediately suspended from further competition and shall be referred to the executive council for disciplinary action.

F: League players, with the consent of the executive council, shall be permitted to simultaneously compete in two divisions of the league during the same playing season.

G: Player replacement process for all divisions of the League shall be annually established by the general membership of the League.

H: Player candidates for the Bronco Division and Pony Division of the League shall be required to attend at least one-half of the annually scheduled and conduct tryout sessions for said divisions prior to obtaining full eligibility for player section. Exceptions to these regulations (i.e. players unable to attend for appropriate reasons) shall be granted only by the President.

I: At this discretion of the team manager involved, league players who are absent without prior notification or appropriate reason from three successive playing activities (Practices and Games) shall be prohibited from participating in the next league game involving their teams. At the discretion of the team manager involved, league players absent without prior notification or appropriate reason from four or more successive playing activities shall be immediately referred to the executive council for disposition.


A: The size of team rosters in all divisions of the League shall be annually determined by the President.

B: A League team failing to field at least eight players within ten minutes following the scheduled starting time of a game shall automatically forfeit said game (See specific rules for your division for rules governing eight players).

C: In the event that both teams fail to field at least eight players within ten minutes following the scheduled starting time of a game, the chief umpire shall declare said game to be “No Game” and said game shall be rescheduled for a later date during the same playing season.

D: In any instance in which a league team fails to have an eligible substitute for a player who is unable to continue play because of illness, injury, or ejection, the manager of said team shall be permitted to replace a said player at the time of illness, injury, or ejection.

E: In the event of ties in divisional standings at the completion of regular season play in any year, the following priority criteria shall be established in order to resolve playoff positions for the current playing season.

1.     HEAD TO HEAD COMPETITION – The team that defeats its opponent more often during the regular season shall be granted the higher final standing.

2.     DEFENSIVE RATING: - In the event that a tie in the final standings cannot be broken by Criterion (1), the team that has the fewest runs allowed for the regular season shall be ranked higher than the other(s).

3.     ONE GAME PLAYOFF – In the event that a tie in the final standings cannot be broken by either Criterion (1) or Criterion (2), a one-game playoff between the teams involved shall be conducted to determine the higher final standing.

4.     COIN FLIP – In the event that a tie in the final seasonal standings cannot be broken by either Criterion (1) (2) or Criterion (3), a coin flip (to be conducted by the President or a designated representative) shall be conducted to determine the final standing.


A: All-star teams in all divisions of the League shall annually consist of no more than fifteen players.

B: Selection of All-Star teams in all divisions of the league shall be annually determined by vote of the team managers in each division of the League.

C: Selection of team Managers and Coaches for All-Star teams and in all divisions of the League shall be annually appointed by recommendation by the President and approved by vote of the Executive Committee, if the President is requesting consideration, then the 1st Vice President shall make the appointment for that division and the President will abstain.

D: Unless otherwise specified in these Rules & Regulations, All-Star teams of the League shall consist of no more than one manager and three coaches.

E: The League membership shall annually determine the entry of All-Star teams from the League in local and/or national tournaments and competitions.

F: The League membership shall annually determine the age compositions of all elected League All-Star teams.


A: All League games shall be played according to the established playing rules of the Major League Baseball, Inc. with the exception of any and all modifications adopted by the general membership of the League or by the team managers in any division of the League. Said modifications shall be determined by May 1st of every year.

B: Unless otherwise specified in these Rules & Regulations, all League players shall be required to participate in at least 4 complete innings of play and at least one full at-bat appearance in every complete League game at which they are present. League games that are decided by the 10-Run Rule (see below) or which are terminated prior to completion on a legal basis according to the established playing rules of the Major League Baseball, Inc., or by the established playing rules modifications of any division of the League, are exempt from this regulation. During the playoffs, players are required to participate in 3 complete innings of play and at least one full at-bat in every complete playoff game. The Manager may choose to bat as many players as their opponent. as long as substitutes are used and every player meets his/her playing requirements listed above. Clarification: Team A has only 9 batters, Team B has 11 batters, Team B can choose to bat 9 and substitute players in.

C: Team managers in the League shall be permitted to waive Section B of this article only in the event of player illness, player injury, player ejection, or appropriate disciplinary action. In the event of managerial disciplinary action, the team manager invoking said action shall immediately notify the opposing team manager and the chief umpire of said action.

D: Failure to adhere to Section B and Section C of this Article shall result in game forfeiture upon protest by the opposing team manager.

E: The 10-Run Rule shall be in effect in the Mustang Division, Bronco Division, and Pony Division. This rule states that if a team is leading its opponents by at least ten runs at the point when a game is considered official, and both teams have been permitted an equal number of opportunities to bat, that game shall be immediately terminated.

1.     This rule shall never be enforced in the visitor’s half of an inning.

2.     In the Mustang Division, teams which trail by a margin of fourteen runs or more prior to an at-bat when a game is considered official shall be permitted to score a sufficient number of runs to legally extend said game. In said instances, “sufficient” shall be defined as the number of runs required to reduce its deficit to nine runs. NOTE: During Mustang Division games in which Subjection (2) is enforced, all legally scored runs will be counted as home runs struck over an existing outfield barrier.

F: If a league game is terminated prior to its full completion for any reason shall be considered as an official game according to the following regulations:

1.     In the Pinto Division, Mustang Division, and Bronco National Division after four full innings of play if the visiting team is leading or after three and one-half innings of play if the home team is leading.

2.     In Bronco American and Pony Divisions, after five full innings of play if the home team is leading.

G: An official League game that is terminated with the score tied shall be declared a suspended game and shall be replayed to its completion from the point of suspension at a later date in the same playing season.

H: The calendar week for the League shall be established as commencing on Monday and concluding on the following Sunday.

I: A team manager or coach shall be permitted to confer with the same pitcher during the same inning during a dead ball on one occasion only without penalty. The second conference by a team manager or coach with the same pitcher during the same inning during a dead ball shall require the immediate entry of a new pitcher. This section shall be waived only in the event of illness or injury to a pitcher or at the discretion of the chief umpire.

J: Play during any league game shall be immediately halted when an umpire determines that a player has been potentially injured. Prior to resumption of play, the chief umpire shall determine the final progress of all base runners affected by this situation.

K: Players who failed to attend games that were suspended and that were then completed at a later date shall be permitted to participate (At the discretion of the team manager) in said completed game even if their participation does not conform to the League’s or division’s minimum playing regulations.

L: No full inning of play in a league game which was scheduled to start prior to 6:00pm shall be permitted to commence beyond 8:00pm prevailing time as determined by the chief umpire. No full inning of play in a league game which was scheduled to start after 6:00 pm shall be permitted to commence beyond 10:00 pm prevailing time as determined by the chief umpire.  A full inning commences immediately following the conclusion of the preceding inning of play.


A: Pitchers shall be prohibited from pitching in more than three innings in a Mustang game, six innings in a Bronco National game and more than seven innings in any Bronco American or Pony division game. Please refer to MLB Pitch Smart Guidelines.

B: All divisions shall be required to follow the MLB Pitch Smart Guidelines to determine availability of pitchers for scheduled games.  Total pitching shall include pitching that is completed by a player for all leagues, including travel, all-stars, etc.  For example, if a player pitched 65 pitches on a Sunday for a travel team, he or she is required to have (3) days of rest and is not eligible to pitch until Thursday for a scheduled game.

C: MLB Pitch Smart Guidelines include: Total pitches: Ages 7-8 (50 max per game); Ages 9-10 (75 max per game); Ages 11-12 (85 max per game). Number of pitches and required rest: 1-20 pitches (0 days rest); 21-35  pitches (1 day rest); 36-50 pitches (2 days rest); 51-65 pitches (3 days rest); 66-max pitches (4 days rest).

D: Any team found to be in violation of following the Pitch Smart Guidelines can result in a forfeiture of the game where the said violation occurred.  The decision rests upon the discretion of the President upon speaking with the Division Director.

E: A pitcher in any division of the League shall be required to pitch to at least one batter in a complete at-bat appearance prior to removal from the game as a pitcher.  The only exceptions to this Section shall be in the event of illness or injury to said pitcher; in the event of ejection of the said pitcher; or in the event that the defensive team records an out prior to a pitch being thrown.

F: Pitchers shall be prohibited from returning as pitchers during any League game in which they have been previously removed as pitchers.

    APPROVED RULING:  Team managers in the Bronco Division and Pony Division shall be empowered by majority vote prior to the start of the regular playing season to waive this regulation for a full playing season.  In no instance shall this empowerment include more than one return per pitcher per game.

G: When a suspended game in any division of the League is completed during a later calendar week, the following regulations shall be enforced:

1.     ALL Division pitchers shall follow MLB Pitch Smart Guidelines to determine pitching availability.

H: When a suspended game in any division of the League is completed during the same calendar week, pitchers shall be prohibited from pitching more pitches than allowed according to the Pitch Smart Guidelines established in the previous Sections of this Article without the proper rest.



A:  Team mangers desiring to submit game protests of any League game shall be required to do so in writing within twenty-fours following the completion of said game.  Submission shall be made to any current member of the Executive Council.  Upon receipt of a game protest, the Executive Council shall convene within seven days to render final decision.  APPROVED RULING:  In the absence of the team manager, any team coach shall be permitted to file a game protest.

B:  A team manager (or, in absence, a team coach) who withdraws a League team from the playing field under any circumstances prior to the official completion of a game shall forfeit all rights to protest for that game.



OPTION A:  Combination Draft Format (Blind/Straight Up)

  • The SIBL President, Division Director, and Division team managers will identify the top players in the draft pool to complete rounds 1-5 of the draft.  As part of this process, pitchers, catchers, and prior-year all-stars should be identified.

  • Without assigning a manager to a particular team, the identified players are evenly placed on the teams in the Division.  Siblings of team managers should not be placed at this time (see exception below). At the end of the process, each team should consist of 5 players.

  • Managers will then be randomly assigned a team roster (example, managers pick a team out of a hat).

  • For round 6, manager siblings are placed on their team’s roster, unless the player has been identified as one of the top players then said player will be taken based on his/her placement and skill level.

  • Based on a discussion of the Division Director and team managers, adjustments are made to current team rosters, if needed, to make sure all teams are evenly matched.

  • A draft order is randomly selected by the Division Director for team managers.

  • From the list of remaining players, rounds 7-12 are completed using a straight up draft method to fill team rosters.

OPTION B:  Blind Draft Format

  • Without assigning a manager to a particular team, all players are evenly placed on the teams in the Division.  The siblings of team managers should not be placed at this time.

  • Managers will then be randomly assigned a team roster (example, managers pick a team out of a hat).

  • Manager siblings are placed on their team’s roster.

  • Based on a discussion of the Division Director and team managers, adjustments are made to team rosters, if needed, to make sure all teams are evenly matched.

The league will host a meeting of all Managers in Pinto thru American Divisions and vote on the draft option for that year. In the event of a tie, the League President or his designee will cast the deciding vote.

B:  In the event of a League team acquiring multiple selections during a Player Draft according to the established Sections of this Article, the team managers of that division shall be empowered to determine the additional forfeiture of draft choices.

C:  In the event that a division of the League shall be required to stock either one or more expansion teams during a Player Draft, the President, Divisional Director, and team managers in that division shall be empowered to determine the procedure by which said team(s) shall be stocked.

D: Having evenly balanced teams is the primary goal, regardless of which draft format is used. Modifications of the teams can be made prior to the conclusion of the drafts with the recommendation of the team managers and at the discretion and approval of the President.


A:  Protective batting helmets shall be required of all batters, on-deck batters, and base runners. This also includes team players employed as base coaches during game or practice.

B: Catchers shall be required to wear protective cups during all League games. It is recommended that all players in the Bronco and Pony Divisions also wear protective cups while playing any infield position including pitcher.

C: While warming up pitchers at any time, players shall be required to wear a catcher’s mask.

D: The use of metal spikes on playing footwear shall be permitted only in the Pony Division.

E: Offensive players shall remain inside the team bench area during all League games with the exceptions of players permitted to leave said confines by there team managers or coaches.

F: Defensive players shall be governed by the same provisions of Section E of this article.

G: Spectators shall not be permitted within the confines of the playing field and/or team bench area during any League game.

H: During regular season and playoffs “big barrel” bats are not allowed.  Big barrel is defined as any bat that the barrel diameter is greater than 2 5/8".  If a player is caught using a “big barrel” bat they bat will be removed from the game, if the player has reached base then they will be declared “out” and the umpire will report it to the league after the game.  After a second occurrence, the player will be ejected from the game and reported to the league.


A: Permanent Honorary Membership in the League shall be granted by the League membership to persons whose contributions to the League merit such consideration and who no longer qualify for membership in the League.

B:  Proposals for granting Permanent Honorary Membership in the League shall be accepted at any regular or special meeting of the League membership. Final votes on all proposals shall not be conducted until the next scheduled meeting of the League Membership.

C: Proposals for granting permanent Honorary Membership in the league shall be accepted only by a two-thirds favorable vote of the current membership of the League present and voting at a meeting of the League Membership.

D: Individuals failing to receive the required approval of the League membership as a Permanent Honorary Members of the League in any fiscal year shall not be proposed for said membership against at least the following fiscal league.  The fiscal year for the league shall be established as extending from November 1 to October 31 of the next following years.

E: Permanent Honorary Members of the League shall be granted full and immediate membership in the League upon approval by the League membership. Said membership shall be extended to said individuals until either their resignations from said membership or upon their deaths.


A: Proposals to amend these rules and regulations shall be accepted at any regular meeting of the League membership. Final votes on all proposed amendments shall not be conducted until the next scheduled meeting of the League membership.

B: These Rules and Regulations shall be amended only by a majority favorable vote of the current membership present and voting at any regular or special meeting of the League membership called for that purpose.

C: Any amendment to these Rules and Regulations, once adopted or rejected by the current membership of the League, shall not be acted upon again until at least the following fiscal year. The fiscal year for the League shall be established as extending from September 1 to August 31 of the next following year.

D: The League membership shall be notified in writing in advance by no less than fourteen (14) days of the scheduling of any regular or special meeting of the League membership during which proposals to amend these Rules and Regulations shall be considered.

ARTICLE 12 - AAU TEAMS (Article 12 removed entirely 09/10/08)

A: GENERAL PHILOSOPHY – The SIBL’s AAU Baseball program is designed to provide as many interested league players and candidates as possible with the opportunity to play additional competitive games against quality opponents. The program is to be considered a supplement to the leagues regular season program and shall not be designed to overshadow it. The program is also not to be considered part of the league's all-star tournament program. Affiliation with AAU Baseball should be considered a viable means of attracting players to compete in the league's regular-season program without diminishing the significance of regular-season competition. Winning games in AAU Baseball competition is not considered to be a major priority for the league.

B: Players participating in the AAU Baseball program must be registered to play in the leagues regular season program and must participate in at least 80% of their regular season teams scheduled games (unless unable to do so for justifiable reasons). Failure to adhere to this regulation will result in player’s termination from the league's AAU Baseball program for the remainder of the current season and for the entire following season.

C: All current registrants and or participants from the previous playing season must be informed in writing in advance of all scheduled AAU Baseball tryout sessions, and must be offered the opportunity to attend tryouts.

D: The league shall determine annual participation fees for the players competing for AAU baseball teams.

E: Team rosters for league sponsored AAU Baseball teams shall be established at a minimum of 11 players and a maximum of 15 players.  If at least 11, 12, 13, 14 or 15 players of the appropriate age group attend tryouts and are willing and able to pay the required participation fees, team rosters shall be established at that level. If at least 22 players of the same age group attend tryouts and are willing and able to pay the required participation fees, two teams shall be established in the same age group. “Cutting” eligible players to reduce roster sizes shall be exercised only in situations when roster sizes do not permit the inclusion of all interested candidates.

F: AAU Baseball team managers and coaches shall be appointed by the executive council. Team managers shall not be permitted to simultaneously manage a league regular-season team.

G: League teams shall not be restricted to scheduling any more than the required minimum number of games against AAU baseball opponents unless approved otherwise by the president. Participation in post-season AAU Baseball tournaments shall not be required.

Article 13 - SIBL's Low Tolerance Code of Conduct for Players, Parents, Coaches, League Officials, and Umpires


In an effort to provide participants with a healthy, safe and developmental athletic

environment that encourages fair play, effort, teamwork, and sportsmanship, SIBL supports a Low Tolerance Code of Conduct for players, parents, coaches, game and league officials, and spectators. This policy requires that a sportsmanlike and developmentally positive atmosphere exist before, during and after all SIBL sanctioned events.


All SIBL players, parents, coaches, game and league officials, and spectators are expected to conduct him/herself in a respectful and sportsmanlike manner at all times before, during and after any SIBL sanctioned event. Good conduct is expected to extend to umpires, game officials, spectators, as well as to opposing players, coaches and parents.

The following is SIBL's Low Tolerance Code of Conduct:


A violation of the Low Tolerance Code of Conduct will exist whenever a player:

1. Openly disputes or argues a decision by an official with unsportsmanlike behavior and/or vulgar displays.

2. Uses obscene or vulgar language and/or gestures at any time, including any swearing, even if it is not directed at a particular person.

 3. Any time that a player persists in any of these actions, they shall be removed from the game.

4. Displays unsportsmanlike behavior toward any player, coach, parent, umpire, SIBL official or game attendee.


A violation of the Low Tolerance Code of Conduct will exist whenever a coach:

1. Openly disputes or argues a decision by an official with unsportsmanlike behavior and/or vulgar displays.

2. Uses obscene or vulgar language in a boisterous manner to anyone at any time.

3. Visually and or physically displays any sign of dissatisfaction with an official's decision with the intent of inciting the officials, players or spectators. Any time that a coach persists in any of these actions, they shall be removed from the game.


Officials are required to conduct themselves in a businesslike, sportsmanlike, impartial and constructive manner at all times. The actions of an official must be above reproach. Actions such as "baiting" or inciting players or coaches are strictly prohibited.


The game will be stopped by game officials or league administrators when parents/spectators displaying inappropriate and disruptive behavior or interfere with other spectators or the game. The game officials or league administrators will identify violators to the coaches for the purpose of removing parents/spectators from the spectator's viewing and game area. Once removed play will resume. Lost time will not be replaced and violators may be subject to further disciplinary action by the SIBL Board of Directors.  A violation of the Low Tolerance Code of Conduct Policy will exist whenever a parent or spectator:

1. Use of obscene or vulgar language and or gestures in a boisterous manner to anyone at any time.

2. Taunting of players, coaches, officials or other spectators by means of baiting, ridiculing, the threat of physical violence or physical violence.

3. Throwing of any object in the spectator's viewing area, player's bench directed in any manner as to create a safety hazard.


1st violation will result in a verbal warning from the game umpire(s), a SIBL Board Member or Team Manager. Umpires may instruct Team Managers to handle a violator from his team whether it is a player, parent or spectator.

2nd violation will result in an ejection from the game and an automatic ONE GAME suspension.

3rd violation will result in an ejection from the game and a reporting to the Umpire in Chief and to any one of the other SIBL Board members. Parties may remain in the vicinity of their vehicle in the parking area until their game is over. The party will then have to appear in private in front of the SIBL Board of Directors and discuss what the future status of their involvement with SIBL will be.

4th violation will result in removal from the SIBL complex and SIBL sanctioned events away from the SIBL complex for the remainder of the year and require a private meeting in front of the SIBL Board for reinstatement to the SIBL, no earlier than January 1st of the following year.


In addition, the following Codes of Conduct for parents and spectators in conjunction with the existing SIBL CODE of CONDUCT should be adhered to:


Do not force your children to participate in sports, but support their desire to play their chosen sport. Children are involved in organized sports for their enjoyment. Make it fun.

Encourage your child to play by the rules. Remember, children learn best by example, so applaud the good plays of both teams.

Do not embarrass your child by yelling at players, coaches or officials. By showing a positive attitude toward the game and all of its participants, your child will benefit.

Emphasize skill development and practices and how they benefit your young athlete. De-emphasize games and competition at the younger age levels.

Know and study the rules of baseball, and support the officials on and off the field. This approach will help in the development and support of the game. Any criticism of the officials only hurts the game.

Applaud a good effort in both victory and defeat and enforce the positive points of the game.

Never yell or physically abuse your child after a game or practice. It is destructive. Work toward removing physical and verbal abuse in youth sports.

Recognize the importance of volunteer coaches. They are important to the development of your child and the sport.

Communicate with them and support them. If you enjoy the game, learn all you can and dedicate time as a volunteer!


Display good sportsmanship. Always respect players, coaches, and officials.

Act appropriately; do not taunt or disturb other fans. Enjoy the game together.

Cheer good plays of all participants, avoid booing opponents.

Cheer in a positive manner and encourage fair play; profanity and objectionable cheers or gestures are offensive.

Help provide a safe and fun environment; throwing objects on the field can cause injury to players and officials.

Support the umpires and coaches by trusting their judgment and integrity.

Be responsible for your own safety and remain alert to help prevent accidents.

Respect dugouts as private areas for players, coaches, and officials.

Be supportive after the game, win or lose. Recognize good efforts, teamwork, and sportsmanship.

Failure to abide by SIBL’s Low Tolerance Policies may result in disciplinary actions up to and including ejection and or termination from SIBL, against the player(s), parent(s), coach(s) and/or spectator(s) involved, at the sole discretion of the SIBL Board of Directors.

14. Participants Playing Age Determination: All participant's ages will be determined by the age of the current year before May 1st. (i.e. your age as of April 30 of the current year), will determine what Division of play you will participate in. Players may play up in a division after writing a written request to the Board of Directors and are approved by the same. No player will be allowed to play up in a Division if it will be detrimental to the League