SIBL By-Laws

Updated February 15, 2020 by Raymond Almeida Jr.



SECTION 1:  The membership of the League shall meet on a regular basis no less than once during each two calendar months at such time and at such place as shall be determined by the President.  Notice of the commencing time and the local of all such meetings shall be made known in writing to the membership of the League.

SECTION 2;  Special meetings of the League membership may be called by the President; by majority vote of the Executive Council; or upon written request to the Secretary by not less than ten current members of the League.  Notice of the commencing time and the location of all such meetings shall be made known in writing to e League membership not less than fourteen days in advance.

SECTION 3:  During all meetings of the League membership, all current League members present shall be authorized to vote on any matter. Proxy voting shall not be permitted.

SECTION 4:  The presence of not less than seven current League members shall be required to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the League membership.


SECTION 1:  Elections of League officers shall be held in June of every year.  The President shall be empowered to select the date(s), location(s), and operating times of said elections.

SECTION 2:  All League members desiring to see election to any office of the League shall notify the Secretary in writing not less than seven (7) days prior to the scheduled election date in order to be qualified for placement on the election ballot.

SECTION 3:  All officers shall be eligible for re-election.

SECTION 4:  Write-in votes shall be accepted for any League office during all League elections.

SECTION 5:  The President shall notify the League membership in writing not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the scheduled date for League elections of the date(s), location(s), and operating times of said elections.

SECTION 6:  The conduct of all League elections shall be under the direct supervision of the Secretary.


SECTION 1:  In the event of the death, resignation, or inability to perform the duties of office for any reason of the 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, 3rd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, or of any divisional director; the Executive Council, by majority vote of said members present and voting at a special meeting called for this purpose, shall be empowered to select a replacement for such officer or director who shall serve in that capacity until the following League elections.  The Executive Council shall schedule said special meetings with fourteen (14) days of following determination of said inabilities.

SECTION 2:  In the event of the death, resignation, or inability to perform the duties for any reason of the President; said office shall be immediately filled until the following League elections according to the following line of succession:















SECTION 1:  The 1st Vice President shall assume the Chairmanship of the Executive Council.

SECTION 2:  The Executive Council shall meet at such time and place as determined by the 1st Vice President.  Special meetings of the Executive Council may be called by the President; by the Secretary; or upon receipt by the Secretary of a written request for said meetings by not less than three (3) current members of the Executive Council.

SECTION 3:  The presence of not less than one more than one half of the current members of the Executive Council shall be required to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Executive Council.

SECTION 4:  The Executive Council shall possess the authority to suspend, discharge, or otherwise discipline any current League member, team manager, team coach, player, League official, game umpire, or other person whose conduct has been considered as detrimental to the best interests of the League.

SECTION 5:  Any person disciplined by the Executive Council according to the provisions of Article 4, Section 4 of these By-Laws, shall possess the right to appeal such action to the current membership of the League at a special meeting called for that purpose.  In such instances, the judgment of the League membership shall be considered as final and binding.


SECTION 1:  The League membership shall annually act upon the recommendations of the President in selection divisional directors for the following competitive season.

SECTION 2:  Divisional directors shall be empowered by the League membership to serve terms of one full calendar year, extending from September 1st to August 31st of the next following year.


SECTION 1:  The Executive Council and the current membership of the League shall decide all matters pertinent to the finances of the League, bearing the responsibility to conduct the financial affairs of the League in a sound and business-like manner.

SECTION 2:  All current officers shall be authorized to sign checks on the League’s behalf for financial purposes.  Said checks in excess of $1,000 shall require the signatures of two officers.  All League officers shall be bonded annually.


SECTION 1:  The President shall preside at all meetings of the League membership; shall serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the League; shall be an ex-officio member of all Standing and Special Committees of the League; and shall perform such additional duties as defined in the Constitution and By-Laws of the League as defined by the League membership; as defined by the Executive Council; and as are normally associated with the office of President. Divisional Directors are appointed by the President and voted on as a Board.

1A. Divisional Directors shall supervise the annual tryout sessions for player candidates in their respective divisions; shall supervise the annual player distribution process in their respective divisions; shall maintain accurate records on the eligibility of all League players active in their respective divisions; and shall attend to the general needs of their divisions.


SECTION 2:  The 1st Vice President; 2nd Vice President, and 3rd Vice President shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the President; shall otherwise assist the President in the performance of presidential duties; and shall be and ex-officio member of all Standing and Special Committees of the League.

SECTION 3:  The 1st Vice President shall preside at meetings of the League membership in the absence of the President.  In the absence of both the President and 1st Vice President, the presiding officer at meetings of the League membership shall conform to the established order of succession of the League officers as defined in Article 3, Section 2 of these By-Laws.

SECTION 4:  The Secretary shall have custody of the Constitution and By-Laws of the League and all other records of the League; shall keep an accurate record of all meetings and other activities of the League membership and Executive Council; shall be responsible for all correspondence on behalf of the League; and shall transmit all records and correspondence to any person elected in succession to that office.

SECTION 5:  The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all funds with the approval of the Executive Council and the League membership; shall keep an accurate account of all funds received and disbursed for the League; shall submit a financial report to the President at all regular meeting and at such other meetings of the League membership as may be requested by the President; shall compile an annual report of League finances; shall provide the books of the League and such other documentation as requested to an Audit Committee when it shall be convened; and shall transmit all financial records of the League to any person elected to succession in that office.

SECTION 6:  The Umpire-in Chief shall recruit and train all League umpires; shall review existing League playing rules and regulations with team managers in all divisions of the League prior to every playing season; shall coordinate umpire recruitment and training for all League-sponsored tournaments; and shall be responsible for providing accurate information pertaining all established playing rules of the League and of Major League Baseball, Inc.

(REPLACED WITH TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR 2/2020) SECTION 7:  The Purchasing Agent shall be responsible for purchasing all required playing equipment and materials for the League; shall keep accurate transaction records of all League purchases; and shall be responsible for maintaining accurate inventory records of League possessions.

SECTION 8:  The Safety Officer shall enforce the League’s established Safety Code; shall be empowered to determine the safety of League playing fields and game conditions; and, when necessary, shall recruit and train League volunteers in the basics of First-Aid training.

SECTION 9:  The Publicity Director shall be responsible for producing and distributing newspaper press releases pertaining to League activities; shall be responsible for producing and distributing the League’s in-house newsletter; and shall be empowered to represent the League in any media relations. Additionally, the publicity director shall assist in handling all donation and sponsorship requests made to the league.

SECTION 10: FACILITIES DIRECTOR is the point person in charge of general maintenance and repairs at the complex.

10A. The League membership and/or Executive Council shall be authorized to delegate any and all additional responsibilities to any League officer or official not specifically defined by these By-Laws.


(NEW AS OF JANUARY 2019) SECTION 11: The Player Agent shall be responsible for determining player evaluations for playing up in a Division or needing to be moved down determined on their evaluation before the season starts or during. Player Agent is also responsible to bring 13 year old requests to the Board for approval upon their determination of being able to play with 11 - 12 year old on the American field.


SECTION 1:  Standing Committees shall be established by the League membership as deemed necessary.

SECTION 2:  Specific responsibilities of all Standing Committees of the League shall be defined by the current membership of the League.


SECTION 1:  Special Committees shall be established by either the League membership or the Executive Council, as deemed necessary.

SECTION 2:  Specific responsibilities of all Special Committees of the League shall be defined by the establishing authority.


The rules contained in the most recent edition of “Robert’s Rules of Order” shall govern all meetings of the League membership, Executive Council, Standing Committees and Special Committees in all cases in which they are applicable and are not inconsistent with these By-Laws and any special rules of order that the League shall adopt.  “Robert’s Rules of Order” shall not govern the League’s normal or special operations.


SECTION 1:  Proposals to amend these By-Laws shall be accepted at any regular meeting of the League membership.  Final votes and all proposed amendments shall not be conducted until the next scheduled meeting of the League membership.

SECTION 2:  These By-Laws shall be amended only by a two-thirds favorable vote of the current membership of the League present and voting at any regular or special meetings of the League membership called for that purpose.


SECTION 3:  Any amendment to these By-Laws, once adopted or rejected by the current membership of the League, shall not be acted upon again until at least the following fiscal year.  The fiscal year for the League shall be established as extending from September 1st to August 31st of the next following year.


SECTION 4:  The League membership shall be notified in writing in advance by not less than fourteen days of the scheduling of any regular or special meeting of the League membership during which proposals to amend these By-Laws shall be considered.