SIBL Constitution

Updated February 15, 2020 by Raymond Almeida Jr.


The League shall be known as the Swansea Independent Baseball League, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the United States of America.


Section 1: It shall be the policy of the league so to conduct its activities that the physical and moral welfare of the young people for whose benefit it is organized shall remain paramount, and all matters of policy shall be determined on that basis.

Section 2: No person who is a current member of the League, or who is en=employed by the League, or who is in any way associated with the League, shall receive any personal financial benefit therefore beyond the reasonable value of the services in carrying out the purpose for which the League has been organized.

Section 3: In order to secure the suitable and adequate financial backing to carry out the purpose of the League, it shall be the policy of the League to permit only such sponsorship as is consistent with the purpose for which the League is organized, and to select sponsors who are interested in the League solely or principally as a means of contributing to the welfare of young people.


The purpose of the League shall be to organize and supervise the playing of Baseball under specialized rules and regulations; to secure suitable and adequate financial backing for these purposes; and to own, lease or otherwise provide suitable playing facilities and equipment for these purposes.


Section 1: Volunteer adult leaders, parents or guardians of League players, team managers and coaches, volunteer umpires and all active supporters of the League shall be considered eligible for membership in the league.

Section 2: Candidates for League membership may be proposed and acted upon at any regular or special meeting of the League membership. Approval of such candidates shall require majority approval of the current League members in attendance and voting at any said meeting.


Section 1: The executive Council of the League shall consist of the President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, 3rd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Umpire-in-Chief, Tournament Director, Safety Officer, Publicity Director, and all divisional directors.

Section 2: In recognition of the general powers of the Executive Council exercised by virtue of their office, the President shall have the power to annually appoint all team managers and coaches based on the recommendation of the Executive Council; to issue final decisions on all protested League games; and to expend financial sums of not more than $500 during any fiscal year of the League for emergency purposes.


Section 1: The officers of the League shall consist of the President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, 3rd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Umpire-in-Chief, Tournament Director, Safety Officer, Facilities Director, Publicity Director, and Tournament Director.

Section 2: All officers of the League shall serve a one-year term in office, extending from September 1 of any year to August 31st of the following year.


Section 1: The government of the League shall be under the direct supervision of the President, Executive Council and current membership of the League.

Section 2: The League shall conform all rules governing the playing of baseball, the legality of players and all other related questions to the directives of any and all local and/or national organizations with which the League shall annually seek to affiliate. All modifications to said directives adopted by the League must be approved by the current membership of the League and all involved said organizations.


Any By-Law of the League not consistent with this Constitution may be adopted and may be amended by the current membership of the League.


Section 1:  Proposals to amend this Constitution shall be accepted at any regular meeting of the League membership.  Final votes on all proposed amendments shall not be conducted until the next scheduled meeting of the League membership.

Section 2:  The Constitution shall be amended only by a two-thirds favorable vote of the current membership of the League present and voting any regular or special meeting of the League membership called for that purpose.

Section 3:  Any amendment to this Constitution, once adopted or rejected by the current membership of the League, shall not be acted upon again until at least the following fiscal year.  The fiscal year for the League shall be established as extending from November 1st to October 31st of the following year.

Section 4:  The League membership shall be notified in writing in advance by no less than fourteen days of the scheduling of any regular or special meeting of the League membership during which proposals to amend this Constitution shall be considered.